Unlock your divine feminine energy with...

Venusian Woman:
Embodied and Conscious Femininity

Are you ready to embody your divine Feminine Energy?

Welcome to a transformative journey designed specifically for conscious, driven women who desire more flow, pleasure, and connection with their feminine energy. Venusian Woman: Embodied and Conscious Femininity is your key to mastering your emotions, creating a powerful identity, and embodying your divine feminine energy. This course addresses inner child wounds and feminine polarization principles to help you navigate life with confidence and magnetism.

What will happen  when  you embody the Venusian Woman  archetype?

Emotional Mastery and Magnetism

Learn to transform your emotions into magnetic power, making you more attractive and confident in every aspect of your life.

Empowering Identity

Embrace a new, empowering identity that gives you confidence and a strong presence, helping you stand out in your relationships, work, and daily interactions.

Feminine Polarity

Understand the principles of feminine polarity to stop chasing and start attracting the experiences and relationships you desire.

“I joined Venusian because I felt disconnected from my feminine power, and in all honesty, myself. I had a hard time looking at myself in the mirror and I felt in a constant state of struggle. Everything changed when I joined Venusian! I’m healing my relationship with myself. I love looking in the mirror now. I dance every day to feel my feminine power within. I have been always living in financial scarcity (since growing up with my parents), and this is the first time I feel peace with money LITERALLY FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. I have an autoimmune condition that really hindered my work, and stopped me from growing my business… or so I thought. I am currently in one of my worst flare-ups, but able to continue working from a soft, slow space which is what Venusian was able to help me with. My relationship with my parents is dramatically improving. I’m more confident. I embrace my Queen spirit and allow it to hold space in the world. I am going on a second date (my first second date in 8 years). I feel grounded in my body, mind, and soul. I feel like I have finally returned home. There’s so much more, and it continues to unravel over time. Miraculous is the only word I can think of to describe this life-changing program!”

Tara Hettrick

What You'll Learn


Emotional Alchemy

Our proprietary method will teach you to turn your emotions into a source of magnetic power.

Confidence and Presence

Gain more confidence in your relationships, work, and everyday life. Develop a powerful presence that others will notice and respect.

Navigating Feminine Energy

Learn to embody your feminine energy and become magnetic and attractive.


Course Structure

The course is structured into three pillars divided in 28 modules:


Emotional Mastery

Address the mother wound to master your emotions.


Identity Work and Confidence

Address the father wound to build confidence and a powerful identity.


Feminine Polarity Principles

Learn to embody feminine energy and become magnetic.




Unlike other programs, Venusian Woman works at the emotional and spiritual roots of feminine energy, confidence, and magnetism.

Our proprietary Venusian Tantra™ method, created by Silvana Kamala, integrates spiritual practices into your everyday life without the need for hours of meditation or rituals. This course transforms you from the inside out, allowing you to enjoy being in your body and creating enough inner spaciousness to let your feminine energy flow.

Meet your instructor

Silvana Kamala is a modern tantra teacher, occultist, self-taught astrologer, and PhD candidate in Ancestral Healing. As the founder of the Venusian Academy, Silvana helps women connect with their sexual power, embrace their sensuality, and heal themselves. Her extensive background in occult feminine wisdom, astrology, Shakta Tantra, plant medicine ceremonies, and personal healing journey makes her an authoritative guide on your path to self-discovery and sexual empowerment.


What our students have to say​


The investment for this program  is:

One payment of:

$ 500

By enrolling in Venusian Woman you will get:

    • Lifetime access to Venusian Woman
    • Access to the Venusian Library ($900 value)
    • Personalized responses from Silvana to questions left under each module.

Are you ready to embrace your divine feminine energy and transform  your life?

Enroll today and start your journey towards emotional mastery, an embodied empowering identity, and mastery of the  feminine polarity. Don’t miss this opportunity to become the magnetic, confident, and powerful woman you are meant to be.

Join Venusian Woman: Embodied and Conscious Femininity and step into your power now. Your journey to spiritual emancipation and personal joy begins here.


You will have lifetime access to Venusian Woman. Upon joining Venusian Woman you will have access to ALL the lessons. I recommend you schedule some time to actually take the program and complete the modules. This is designed to prevent you from forgetting about the course and actually going through the transformation. If you buy it but don’t take the lessons nothing will change so make sure you are planning ahead and making the time to take the program.

  • Each module varies from 20 minutes to one hour. The average length of each video is 40 minutes depending on the material and if practices were shared during the module.

There is a Q&A audio vault that you’ll have access to referring back to most modules. These Q&A audio files come from the live calls that came up when the program was being delivered live. This is an amazing resource to get an idea of what other women are going through and exploring. In addition to this, upon completion, you will be invited to join a Telegram group where you can connect with other women that have dived into this work. This is a great place to build community, meet like-minded women, and share your findings and inner exploration.

Given the digital nature of this program, there are no refunds.

Throughout all the modules I use binary language. I refer to the feminine and masculine as energies that are present in all human beings. This program is tailored for individuals that identify as women. There are some practices that include Yoni and Womb breathing. If you are comfortable with these guidelines and the language and you identify as a woman, then this program will deliver the transformation it offers. We strive to be inclusive but Venusian speaks specifically to the feminine hearts that identify as women so this may not be the best program for someone that has a non-binary or male identity.

  • As soon as you join Venusian Woman, you will have access to all 28 modules. I trust that you will organize yourself and make time each week to go through the modules. If you take a module a week, you’d still have six months of space to repeat any lesson that resonated with you and go through the Q&A vault within a year.

This is a pre-recorded program and you are responsible for taking it in your own time. I’ve poured my heart and soul into Venusian Woman. Everything in this program includes processes, tools, and understandings I’ve personally acquired in my own de-conditioning process of healing and my own inner exploration. Venusian Woman is a guide that seeks to accompany you in your own self-discovery process. I share openly everything that has worked for me and offer a guideline that brings your awareness into specific areas of your life. I cannot heal you and neither can Venusian Woman. Only YOU have the power to do that because only YOU can feel your emotions, bring awareness to the parts of yourself that are difficult to accept, and love yourself. This is your journey and I am only a guide sharing a process that worked for me. If you choose to join Venusian, do it from a place of empowerment and know that the results are in your hands. Everything inside Venusian Woman will be an added tool to your own self-leadership.

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