Are you ready to unleash the depths of your feminine power?

Welcome to the Venusian Academy
An academy for tantra and the feminine arts

The Venusian Academy is an online school and community for conscious and rebellious women who desire to explore the depths of their divine feminine energy in all its forms.
This is a space for the women that crave depth and desire to merge with their innate power: the power of their sexuality, the power of their hearts, and the power of their souls.

Explore the Venusian Academy
Get free access to an online library of resources to begin your exploration of the feminine arts: emotional mastery, feminine spirituality, sexuality, occultism, and tantra.
The Venusian Academy was born as a movement to reconnect women with the power of their sexuality, their hearts, their beauty, and their innate divinity.
The Venusian Academy is for the rebellious women that have a deep, passionate desire for more depth, more power, and more connection to the Divine Feminine. This is a space for the spiritual priestesses that have hit an energetic ceiling and are ready to embrace the power that comes from consciously working with your emotions and sexual energy.

Esoteric Roots
Venus: The Divine Feminine Principle

Venus has carried many names throughout the mythologies of the ancient worlds. Aphrodite, Innana, Isis, Astrate, Persephone, Ishtar, and many more.
She is the feminine principle of life. A representation of women, love, luxury, pleasure, desire, wealth, sexuality, abundance, sensuality, beauty, and grace.
Women are the embodiments of Venusian energy. Vessels for the Divine Feminine essence to flow and when a woman connects with her powerful essence, she becomes a conduit of The Goddess… a conduit of Shakti.

"Women are divinity, women are life, women are truly jewels."
- The Yoni Tantra

Welcome my dear,
I’m Silvana!
I am the founder of The Venusian Academy, a tantra teacher, occultist, self-taught Astrologer, and a PhD candidate in ancestral healing. My self-healing journey led me to the discovery of the ancient technology of Shakta Tantra but my rebellious heart did not accept the traditionally prescribed methods. I did not want to accept a guru and I did not have time to spend hours a day in spiritual practices.
I knew there was a middle way and this exploration led me into the creation of Venusian Tantra ™ , a modern tantra method that allows modern women like us, to experience the bliss of tantric union without abandoning the comforts of modern life and following a feminine-centric spiritual path.

Venusian Tantra ™ is a path rooted in womanhood honoring the complexity of feminine expression. This path carves space for the dark as much as for the light and invites you to connect with your sacred sexual energy as the fuel of your dream life, whether this is a life immersed in nature or in a lively city – it is your choice and you get to create whatever you desire.
It is my hope that you get to experience the power of connecting with your unique tantric archetype and embrace the full spectrum of your divine feminine essence. Enjoy the mystery of yourself!
Welcome to The Venusian Academy.

“There is something about Silvana’s energy that drew me to her.
The day I found her on Instagram I signed up for her program.
She has a deep understanding of feminine energy, masculine energy, and healing and has the gift to share her knowledge in an authentic way that’s easy to follow and understand. She is non-judgmental and creates a safe space to ask vulnerable questions.”
“There is something about Silvana’s energy that drew me to her. The day I found her on Instagram I signed up for her program. She has a deep understanding of feminine energy, masculine energy, and healing and has the gift to share her knowledge in an authentic way that’s easy to follow and understand. She is non-judgmental and creates a safe space to ask vulnerable questions.”
Elle Mio, UK.
If so, join my private coaching program and become a Venusian Tantrika
If you’re in a phase on your spiritual journey where you want to begin consciously working with your sexual energy and developing your spiritual power, then join our Venusian Tantra Mentorship Program. In this program, we will find your unique Tantric Archetype based on your Nakshatras, Vedic chart, and natural sexual expressions to create your own spiritual system.

“The mentorship with Silvana has been life-changing for me with learning, defining and deepening my own spiritual path. The 1:1 mentorship gives me the attention that I personally need to focus on the self-care of my spirituality which pours into every single aspect of my life. The mentorship with Silvana has improved my relationship with my partner, how I relate to others and most importantly my relationship with myself through devotion to the Divine Mother and all that She is and that reflection in me! I can also lovingly relate to the Divine masculine too with the unpacking of deep patriarchal wounds. Silvana meets me where I am and through the grace of Maha Shakti, she’s able to guide me along to profound revelations. In the mentorship with Silvana, I have gone through the initiation as a Venusian Tantrika! The absolute beauty is that my truth as a Venusian Tantrika is different from Silvana’s and different from others. Silvana guides me through to define what is meant for me!”
Dana Burton
Tennessee, USA.
Want to explore feminine embodiment at your own pace?

Then check out our signature course VENUSIAN WOMAN: Embodied and Conscious Femininity! This course is a transformative journey designed specifically for conscious, driven women who desire more flow, pleasure, and connection with their feminine energy. Venusian Woman: Embodied and Conscious Femininity is your key to mastering your emotions, creating a powerful identity, and embodying your divine feminine energy. This course addresses inner child wounds and feminine polarization principles to help you navigate life with confidence and magnetism.

“Working with Silvana has been absolutely amazing and she came at such divine timing in my life. This tantric work has given me a platform to really value myself, feel my worth and dig into what I desire outside of trauma. I am learning how to work with my emotions and leverage ancient technology to assist with this process. Overall, I feel like I am in a container of safety, which is allowing and giving my body permission to purge and release trauma. Throughout this process I’ve noticed I am trusting myself more and utilizing my yoni to be the guiding truth. With this trust in myself, I am standing up for myself in all areas of myself, setting boundaries and speaking my truth.”
Res Pizarro
Colorado, USA.

“Working with Silvana has been so profound. Silvana has helped me heal from childhood trauma and identify deep limiting core beliefs. Her strong understanding of the mind and her powerful embodiment of divine feminine energy are unmatched. She has helped me understand the liberation of shining light on the dark and the power of using love to heal. Silvana always knew exactly what I needed and provided me with the most powerful tools to continue moving forward. Her boundless compassion created a warm environment and my vulnerability was met with understanding and love. I can truly say that Silvana has been the greatest pivotal point during my healing journey and I am forever grateful for her beautiful divine soul. Silvana, thank you for leading by example and showing me the beauty in embracing authenticity. Even more, thank you for showing me that in my own being, I am entirely complete.”