Meet Silvana

Silvana Kamala is a modern tantra teacher, occultist, self-taught Astrologer, PhD candidate, and the founder of the Venusian Academy. She helps women of all walks of life connect with their sexual power, embrace sensuality, and heal themselves with her proprietary method Venusian Tantra™.
Her background in occult feminine wisdom, astrology, Shakta Tantra, plant medicine ceremonies, and her personal healing journey allows her to support women through their self-discovery process and sexual empowerment.
Her personal mission is helping women heal their developmental wounds, reconnect with their sexual power, and discover their own unique tantric archetype.

A personal note from Silvana…
Welcome my dear! My name is Silvana Kamala and I created the Venusian Academy as a natural consequence of my own inner journey to find my power and find who I really was. For many years, I explored the world of inner healing and transformation to find the version of myself that was hidden underneath all the layers of conditioning, traumas, and programs.
In this attempt to heal my wounds, I fell into the trap of constantly trying to fix myself. My entire life reflected the belief that there was something to fix… all in the name of healing. After many failed relationships, failed business attempts, and years of instability, I came to the realization that there was nothing to ‘fix’. I made the conscious choice of simply accepting myself as I was, with all my flaws, my “unconsciousness”, my limitations, and my chaos. I unconditionally accepted the most hated and rejected version of myself.

It turns out, fully accepting myself as I am was the most revolutionary act of my life. I chose to see my divinity in every part of myself and see the innocence of womanhood. Instead of trying to fit into someone else’s box for myself, I learned to create a container in my life that fit my unique shape. I applied this concept to my relationships, my friendships, my family, and my relationship with God/Source/Universe. Everything in my life changed, I became more ME.
This process wasn’t easy. I had to endure the consequences of genuinely loving myself in a world that demands you change who you are to be loved and accepted. I had to walk alone for a long time, hit rock bottom multiple times, and see my entire life collapse before my eyes. However, on the other side of this destruction was the version of myself that inspired awe and admiration. I became the woman I always knew I was but didn’t dare to become. Now, I walk through life as Silvana Kamala. A woman free to feel whatever she wants to feel, free to say what she wants, free to walk through life with whoever she wants, and free to live life on her terms.

I can go on about the freedom of reclaiming the power of my sexuality and raw feminine expression but instead, I want to invite you to experience this for yourself and connect with your raw feminine essence. This is the part of yourself that will guide you through the journey of the spiritually emancipated woman. I want to invite you to unleash your feminine power through harnessing your sexual energy and create a life that feels exciting, pleasurable, and spacious.
Who are you when you’re sexually, emotionally, and spiritually free? You won’t know the answer to this question until you are embodied in this profound freedom. But the journey to answering this question will be the most exciting trip of your life!
Dare to observe yourself and learn about who you are, without the invisible cage that holds your raw feminine expression prisoner.
Dare to be absolutely free!
To our freedom,
Silvana Kamala.

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